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Digital twin – what is it?

digital twin

In the era of ubiquitous digitalization, the term digital twin is gaining importance, becoming a key element of the fourth industrial revolution. In our article, we talk about what a digital twin is, how it is implemented, and in which sectors it can bring significant benefits.


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What is a digital twin?

A digital twin is a virtual replica of physical objects, processes and systems. It can include a variety of elements – from individual machines or devices, through entire factories, to complex city networks. Digital twins collect data from sensors mounted on physical counterparts and use it to create accurate computer models. Optical measurement systems are also coming into use, analyzing graphic and video materials.

Digital twins enable simulation, analysis and optimization in real time. They provide the opportunity to test various scenarios, predict problems and optimize production processes, all without the risk of making changes in the real world. Digital twins are not just static models; they are dynamic copies that constantly adapt to changes in the environment and data. This ability to adapt makes them extremely valuable in the context of Industry 4.0, where the digitization of industry is the foundation of modern business strategies.

There are four levels of application of digital twins: component or part twins, resource twins (composed of at least 2 components working together), system twins, and process twins (revealing how systems work together).

However, the idea of ​​using a digital twin is nothing new. A similar idea was already in the 1960s by NASA engineers, who created ground copies of their spacecraft. In the event of problems with space missions, a solution could be proposed based on ideas tested at NASA headquarters. Formally, digital twins were introduced by Dr. Michael Grieves – the first digital twin in industry was used by this American scientist in 2002. The term „digital twin“ was coined by John Vickers from NASA in 2010.

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How does a digital twin work?

Implementing the digital twin concept in a company is a step towards modernity and efficiency. They enable testing new solutions in a safe, virtual environment, which significantly reduces the risk and costs associated with introducing changes in reality. Thanks to this, companies can respond faster to changing market conditions and better adapt to customer needs. In the era of digitalization, understanding how a digital twin works and its implementation can be crucial to the success of any modern organization.

Modern digital twin technology allows for:

  • creating a virtual representation of real objects,
  • better understanding of the functioning of products or systems,
  • optimizing the use of resources,
  • identifying potential problems, as well as suggesting solutions for them,
  • facilitating business decision-making and minimizing risk,
  • effective management and implementation of innovations,
  • making the right decisions about the end of the product life cycle.

So how does the process of creating and implementing a digital twin proceed? For example, if we want to create a digital twin of a machine used in a manufacturing company, we can use data from its sensors to feed a virtual model. Once the right information is provided, the digital twin can be subjected to a variety of simulations and real-time monitoring.

Using the digital model allows us to draw valuable conclusions about, among other things, how to avoid failures or how to improve them. By using a digital twin, only those operations that are completely safe and will bring real benefits are ultimately implemented.

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What are the examples of digital twin applications?

Nowadays, digital twins are revolutionizing the way of thinking about business, helping companies meet the challenges of a dynamically changing market. The use of digital twins brings positive effects in almost every industry, from manufacturing to medicine, and their potential seems to be unlimited. The concept of a digital twin is also a key element of Industry 4.0, enabling the integration of modern technologies in production processes and beyond. Their versatility and power in various industries show how the use of digital twins can significantly revolutionize practically our entire lives.

Examples of the use of digital twin technology are:

Manufacturing industry: digital twins are an invaluable tool for simulation and data analysis, which leads to process optimization. Thanks to digital twins, it is possible to monitor live production, predict machine failures and plan maintenance, which significantly increases operational efficiency and reduces costs. The capabilities of a digital twin include, among others, reducing the waste of raw materials.

Energy: In this sector, digital twin simulations enable the management of energy networks, the optimization of energy consumption and the integration of renewable energy sources, which allows for the creation of more sustainable energy systems.

Transport: Digital twins play a huge role in fleet management, route optimization and monitoring the technical condition of vehicles, acting as a digital fleet manager.

Logistics: A digital twin of the supply chain optimizes the planning, control and optimization of logistics processes.

Warehouse management: Creating a digital twin of a warehouse allows for important analyses regarding the optimization of processes and the distribution of goods in such a way as to shorten the route to them and make the best use of the available space. Additionally, digital twins play a significant role in warehouse safety checks (e.g. when planning the safe loading of warehouse shelves).

Automotive: The use of digital twin technology by car manufacturers results in the design of vehicles with higher reliability and safety. Twins enable the simulation of the behavior of structures under different loads, and also help to find points of rapid wear and tear and better protect against their failures.

Medicine: a patient’s twin creates the possibility of implementing scenarios that do not have to be tested on a living organism. Digital twins used in medicine support diagnostics and treatment planning by creating virtual patient models, which allows for a more precise and personalized approach to therapy. There is even talk of creating a digital model of each newborn, which will significantly improve the quality of life of many people. The use of digital twins also allows for simulating surgeries before the real procedure takes place.

Smart cities and construction: the use of digital twin technology helps in managing urban infrastructure, monitoring traffic and optimizing resource consumption, acting as a digital architect of the city of the future. A digital model of a real object also allows for ensuring a high level of safety of the real structure.

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