What technologies are used to create dedicated applications?

The choice of technology to create dedicated applications is one of the most significant points of any project. It helps determine whether the system will meet your expectations and support the operations of your company. Therefore, in today’s article, we answer questions that will help you take this step more consciously and efficiently.
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The client must know the technology in which their application will be created. The IT company with which you establish cooperation to design and implement a dedicated system should offer you advice on this matter, indicating the best technology for your solution. Its selection must be based on specific guidelines, e.g. the expected life of the product or the burden corresponding to its safety level. Technologies support various factors, so at the very beginning it is important to determine what features of the program are key for us – whether it be a higher level of security protecting the processed data, multi-platform operation, etc.
In Kotrak, we offer full advice on the choice of technology. We believe that the client should always be aware of the chosen solution and the possibilities it brings. There is no perfect technology that meets all needs, it often turns out that for the system to work according to the needs of our clients‘ businesses, we have to make modifications, and clients should know about it. It can be compared to buying a car – the owner of the vehicle does not have to know its mechanics and equipment very well, but it is worth having general knowledge about it, e.g. knowing how to care for it. The same applies to knowledge of the dedicated technology used in the application. It is worth knowing what their advantages and disadvantages are, how they can help you, and what can be troublesome when using the system. In Kotrak, we introduce customers to the production process, because we want them to be aware of why the methods and tools have been chosen. This allows them not only to better understand the final product with which they will work but also understand its strengths.
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To indicate the most frequently chosen technology, one needs to take into account their time sensitivity. This is especially true when it comes to creating mobile and web applications. It is in their scope that changes occur most often. Every 3-4 years there is a new technological leap that often radically changes the approach and methods of creating these solutions.
In Kotrak, we always try to adapt technology to the needs of our clients. We focus on new solutions, but with common sense. Not always the latest turns out to be the best. Currently, these are among the technologies we use:
• for creating mobile applications – mainly Xamarine
• for creating web applications – Angular, .NET Core, MSSQL or PostgreSQL
• for creating desktop applications – WinForms and WPF
We follow global trends and technological novelties, but most of all we focus on proven solutions. When choosing new technologies for a project, we always analyze them, focusing on those that are stabilized on the market, because then we are sure that they will meet our requirements. The final quality of the product is essential to us, ensuring efficient, smooth operation and use.
Below is a complete list of technologies currently used in our company to design dedicated applications.
(Find out how to choose the web/mobile/desktop application type?)
An important aspect is also whether the system is intended to operate on a multi-platform basis. This affects performance and influences other issues as well. For example, when a program is characterized by high performance, you have to take into account that at its expense, the application interface will not be as visually attractive. The simpler it looks, the faster the system works. However, if you care more about a high degree of security, it will likely result in slightly slower program performance.
By getting to know as many business components of a project as possible, we can choose the best technology for it. It must always be based on the strategic and long-term goals of your business. However, remember that systems are not written for life. This implies that every 3-5 years you will have to change or update your IT solutions to maintain your company’s position on the market.
When choosing the latest technologies available on the market, it is worth being aware of the limitations they may experience. It is a question of so-called ‘childhood diseases.’ What does it mean? For example, they may have undiagnosed faults that will only emerge in future practice, and their elimination may take more time than in proven solutions. There may also be a shortage of specialists operating on them, as they have not yet managed to gain appropriate knowledge and experience.
The technology chosen for the project should always be balanced and meet your needs. A good IT company will be able to indicate whether all the benefits of a given solution are needed for your business. It often turns out when creating an application in a technology chosen solely by the client, we will potentially use 3 out of 10 features offered from it. Thus, its implementation is senseless because another solution turns out to be much more appropriate for the given case. At Kotrak, we always listen to our clients and propose the best solution for them based upon our joint discussions. This way the created application becomes a functional tool supporting the development of their business.
The article was written in cooperation with Paweł Paszkiewicz, Software Development Director.
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