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AI, custom-made application, Internet of Things
14 Oktober 2024

Digital twin – what is it?

A digital twin is a concept that allows companies in many industries to make valuable improvements, as well as save money. In our post, we outline specific applications of digital models and the benefits of introducing digital twins in various areas of business conducted.

AI, custom-made application, Internet of Things
14 Oktober 2024

Digital twin in logistics and warehousing

The digital twin is a tool that can realistically improve logistics and warehouse processes. Find out in which tasks the implementation of a digital twin proves to be a hit and learn about ways to use modern technology.

Internet od Things, system für die Produktion
4 Juli 2024

Genetische Algorithmen in IT-Systemen und in der Industrie

In der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt spielen künstliche Intelligenz (KI) und fortschrittliche Algorithmen eine immer wichtigere Rolle. Eines der innovativsten Werkzeuge in diesem Bereich sind genetische Algorithmen, die in Bereichen von der Produktionsplanung bis zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit in industriellen Systemen eingesetzt werden. Erfahren Sie, wie genetische Algorithmen die Entwicklung von Industrie und KI-Systemen ermöglichen.

30 Jahre Kotrak
21 März 2024

30 Jahre KOTRAK

Wir sind als IT Anbieter seit 30 Jahren in Polen und auf internationalen Märkten aktiv. Tausende zufriedene Kunden stehen für unsere qualitativ hochwertigen Dienstleistungen.

Off-the-shelf software
7 April 2023

How does pre-implementation analysis improve the implementation process?

When preparing to implement an IT system for a company, special attention should be paid to the pre-implementation analysis. This is an important stage of the project, which is not only responsible for the correct configuration of the programme, but also allows you to optimise the operation of the entire enterprise, and this in several ways. In today's article, we take a closer look at the benefits of performing an analysis and show how wide-ranging its impact is on the smooth progress of the implementation.

Bespoke software
6 April 2023

Why use dedicated software in a company?

Do you want to streamline processes in your company and are looking for a personalised solution? Dedicated software allows you to automate many tasks, optimise the work of your team or create modules that streamline your work making it more efficient.

5 April 2023

How do you get your company’s document clutter under control?

In some businesses, such as customer service offices, shipping companies, law firms or wholesalers, the number of documents received and issued is very high. Incorrect storage, especially of paper documents, can cause many problems. Find out how to avoid them and put your company's documentation in order!

Bespoke software
5 April 2023

Commercial laundry software – how can it make your job easier?

Find out how dedicated laundry software can positively impact your business. Get convinced by an IT system that will streamline your laundry operation.

3 April 2023

Workflow system for stationary and remote working – why invest in it?

These days, the work of many businesses has moved to a remote level. It is therefore worth considering introducing a system to your company that will not only provide a higher level of supervision of your teams' activities but also streamline them and make them more efficient by automating and simplifying most processes, including the workflow. For these activities, implementing a workflow system will work best.

IT Services
9 März 2023

What is Agile Scrum and why should you use it when designing IT systems?

When commissioning an IT company to develop a dedicated system, it is worth knowing the methods in which the development team preparing your project will operate. Nowadays, many IT companies, including ours, work according to the principles contained in the Agile and Scrum methodologies. So what are these two terms and why should you use them when developing IT systems?

IT Services
9 März 2023

IT company billing models: Fixed Price, Time and Materials, subscription

Before you start working with an IT company, it is worth familiarising yourself with the forms of billing for outsourced work. Today, we will outline the characteristics of each of the three most commonly used models, telling you for which needs and budgets they work best.

IT Services
9 März 2023

How does the ESB (Enterprise Service Bus) work?

As your business continues to grow, are you looking for a way to integrate data and systems effectively and seamlessly? We know that handling business processes is a very responsible and time-consuming task, affecting the efficiency of your operations, so we present a solution for high-quality integration that will make your team's work easier and bring tangible results.

IT Services
8 März 2023

E-commerce integrator – how can connecting an e-commerce store with an ERP system improve your work?

Modern IT solutions have the ability to operate not only independently, but also to work together - even if they were not created by the same manufacturer. This is possible thanks to specialized integrators. One type is an e-commerce integrator, which provides a seamless exchange of information between an e-store and other software. In our post, we will talk about integration with ERP systems.

24 Februar 2023

Why is it worth to integrate WMS and ERP systems?

Looking for effective software for your company's logistics department? You should consider integrating an ERP system with a WMS. See why the operation of the softwares complements each other and what data should be synchronized.

AI, custom-made application, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things
23 Februar 2023

Artificial intelligence in industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used in companies in the industrial sector. AI enables to perform assessments, learn and solve problems by systems. Intelligent applications can quickly process huge data sets and then support process optimisation in industrial companies. AI supports industries like fashion, automotive, and aerospace.

Industry 4.0, MES
20 Februar 2023

MES system for food production – what do you need to know and how to choose one?

When running a production company, especially in the food industry, you have to take care of several processes and standards to create a high-quality product, including specific thermal conditions. There are many different solutions on the market today that support operational activities in production plants. However, their disadvantage is that they are not connected and thus do not ensure a smooth flow of data and work. It leads to communication problems and delays in action. If you face these problems in your company, consider implementing comprehensive Manufacturing Execution Software. This system helps solve existing problems and support the stable and dynamic development of the company.

Industry 4.0, MES
5 Januar 2023

Industry 4.0 – what is it, and how does it improve factory operations?

Industry 4.0 is a concept that has been around for quite a few years in the effective factory subject management and optimization of production processes. However, there is much more to this concept than efficient production management. It is a tool that improves the entire company operation - regardless of its industry or size. So it's time to find out: what is Industry 4.0, and how does it improve factory operations?

CSI, IT Services, SLA
7 Dezember 2022

Service Level Agreement (SLA) – what is it?

The term Service Level Agreement (SLA) is increasingly appearing in the offers of IT companies and is sometimes presented in the context of quick response times. However, under this mysterious abbreviation there is a much broader meaning, which is a guarantee for the client to receive help from the support assistance, as well as a form of legal security for service providers. So it's time to take a closer look and answer the question: what is SLA?

custom-made application
4 November 2022

What technologies are used to create dedicated applications?

In the context of IT services, we hear more and more about an interesting issue, which is called Continual Service Improvement. What really lies behind this concept and why should you keep this process in mind when choosing a company that will implement IT solutions for you? We will answer these and other questions in the article below.

IT Services
25 September 2022

Does the integration of IT systems make sense?

Having computer software in a company can be a factor that has a real impact on competitive advantage, cost optimization and improvement of information flow. However, what if we have implemented two different systems or more over the years and as a result, there was no impact on the added value expected by different departments in the company? The integration of IT systems comes in handy, which is becoming increasingly popular and works well in every industry.

custom-made application, ERP
30 August 2022

How to specify requirements for IT systems and applications?

The purchase of an IT system for a company is a very important decision that has many long-term consequences. To take the right steps, you should carefully prepare for the proper software selection process in advance. After joint arrangements with the application provider and creating the final brief, we will receive a final tailor-made offer.

Industry 4.0, MES
4 April 2022

How to modernize the machinery park?

Machine parks vary, but most of them struggle with similar problems. The main one is the proper optimization of their operation and the maintenance of high-quality machine operation. In today's article, we discuss modernizing machinery parks and the methods of how it can be done.

10 Januar 2022

How to choose a budgeting system for a company?

Has your company budget exceeded previous financial assumptions more than once? When closing the project, do you see that its costs did not meet your expectations? In such situations, it is worth considering implementing a budgeting program. It will give you control over finances and allow you to improve operations. However, before you start buying such a system, it is worth finding out what to pay attention to when choosing it. Our specialist provides the answer.

9 Januar 2022

Construction project management software

Running a business in the construction industry is quite a challenge. It involves, among other things, running many projects at the same time, document management, planning or control of budgets and schedules. That's why construction project management software significantly improves work. Check which system is worth choosing and what is worth paying attention to.

IT Services
18 September 2021

How do we implement IT systems at Kotrak?

The creation and implementation of dedicated IT solutions for business are one of the main focuses of our company. We would like to present how we became an international software company. In today's interview with CEO Jakub Imosa, Vice President of Sales Tomasz Brodziak and Director of the Implementation Department Bożena Wołoszyn, we talk about what implementations we have made over the years and when the idea of re-branding emerged.

Internet od Things
10 März 2021

Internet of Things – Ein technologisches Ökosystem, das Heim, Geschäft und Stadt unterstützt

Das Internet der Dinge ist zu einem Leitthema geworden, hinter dem Geräte und Systeme stehen, die die Lebensqualität und den Betrieb von Unternehmen und sogar ganzer Städten verbessern. Dank des Internet der Dinge können wir in Smart Homes und Smart Cities leben, in denen uns Geräte helfen, z. Bsp. einen freien Parkplatz zu finden, schnell einzukaufen oder die Beseitigung von Abfällen aus bereits vollen Containern zu beschleunigen. 

19 Januar 2021

How to improve remote work in your business?

In the context of IT services, we hear more and more about an interesting issue, which is called Continual Service Improvement. What really lies behind this concept and why should you keep this process in mind when choosing a company that will implement IT solutions for you? We will answer these and other questions in the article below.

8 Dezember 2020

Why is it worth using IT systems in the Cloud?

Cloud solutions are still gaining in popularity. Entrepreneurs appreciated them, especially now, when some teams in companies work remotely. IT systems in the cloud ensure constant flow of information and freedom during work. Software in the cloud also allows you to optimize costs in the company.

23 November 2020

KOTRAK ist ISO 9001:2015 zertifiziert. Was bedeutet das für uns und unsere Kunden?

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass KOTRAK nun offiziell das ISO 9001: 2015-Zertifikat erhalten hat. Das Zertifikat bestätigt die Übereinstimmung unserer Dienstleistungen mit dem internationalen Standard, der die Anforderungen für das Qualitätsmanagement festlegt. Was das für uns und unsere Kunden bedeutet, erfahren Sie aus einem Interview mit Maciej Westfal (Vertreter des Verwaltungsrats für das Qualitätsmanagementsystem bei KOTRAK) und Tomasz Grela (Consultant BiuroNorma Sp. Z oo).

IT-Service, Softwarehouse
19 November 2020

So finden Sie das für Sie am besten geeignete Softwarehouse

Wenn Sie nach einem Softwarehaus suchen, dass für Sie eine individuell erstellte IT-Lösung erstellen soll, müssen Sie einige Schlüsselelemente berücksichtigen. Es ist wichtig, dass Sie ein vertrauenswürdiges Unternehmen mit Erfahrung auswählen, das nicht nur ein spezielles System für Sie entwickelt, sondern auch ein zuverlässiger Partner für Ihr Unternehmen ist.

IT-Service, Maßgeschneiderte IT Kundenlösungen
18 Juli 2020

Abrechnungsmodelle mit IT-Unternehmen: Festpreis, Zeitmodelle oder Abonnementverträge

Bevor Sie mit einem IT-Unternehmen zusammenarbeiten, sollten Sie sich mit dessen Abrechnungsformen vertraut machen. Heute werden wir die Merkmale der drei am häufigsten verwendeten Modelle vorstellen und Ihnen sagen, welche Anforderungen und Budgets am besten funktionieren.

28 Mai 2020

Was umfasst das IT-Service von KOTRAK?

Der Softwarekauf oder die Investition in ein neues IT-System sind Entscheidungen von großer Tragweite und diese werden auf Grundlage der Erfahrung und Qualität des Angebots seitens der Anbieter für IT Dienstleistungen getroffen. In dem heutigen Artikel werden wir darstellen, wie wir von KOTRAK für Sie tun können und wie wichtig für uns qualitativ hochwertiger IT-Services und die Kundenbetreuung sind.

7 Mai 2020

Was ist das Service Level Agreement?

Der Begriff Service Level Agreement SLA kommt in den Angeboten von IT-Unternehmen immer häufiger vor und wird manchmal im Zusammenhang mit schnellen Reaktionszeiten dargestellt. Dieses mysteriöse Akronym verbirgt jedoch eine viel breitere Bedeutung, die eine Garantie für den Kunden darstellt, Unterstützung von der Unterstützung zu erhalten, sowie eine Form des Rechtsschutzes für Dienstleister. Es ist also Zeit, es sich genauer anzusehen und die Frage zu beantworten: Was ist SLA?

23 April 2019

ERP guide – What does it mean? What is this?

Many business owners or managers who are starting to look for software for their company find the abbreviation "ERP." The question "What is it anyway?" arises, and in the maze of complicated definitions, finding a simple answer is not so easy. That is why we decided to introduce the meaning of the ERP term and suggest how the ERP system supports running a business.

29 März 2019

What is CRM and what does CRM give to my company?

The strength of relationships with our clients and knowledge about them can effectively contribute to the rapid growth of our profits. Where to get important information for the company from? CRM systems come with the help. So we answer the question "What is CRM."

21 März 2019

Kontinuierliche Serviceverbesserung – Was ist das?

Im Zusammenhang mit IT-Services spricht man immer öfter von kontinuierlicher Serviceverbesserung. Was steckt wirklich hinter diesem Konzept und warum sollten Sie diesen Prozess berücksichtigen, wenn Sie ein Unternehmen auswählen, das IT-Lösungen für Sie implementiert? Wir werden diese und andere Fragen im folgenden Artikel beantworten.

custom-made application
26 Februar 2019

How to choose the web/mobile/desktop application type?

When you intend to work with an IT company that is to prepare a dedicated application for you, one of the first questions will be: on what platform will your new solution work? Below are some important aspects of this issue - all to make it easier for you to make a decision.

4 Februar 2019

How to choose an ERP system?

If you already know what an ERP system is, you should also read some tips on how to choose the right ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. This is very important because you will be bound to this particular software for at least a few years. Sounds scary? Not if you find out what to look for and take your tips into consideration when making your decision 

27 November 2018

OMNICHANNEL – what is it and what elements does it include?

Today's customer is a conscious person who cares about convenient, quick and flexible shopping with unlimited options at any time. Therefore, when creating both a sales and marketing strategy, we must remember to focus our activities on the customer. This is the basis for effective promotion and good Internet sales.

20 November 2018

UX & UI – useful designing of custom-made applications

UX and UI - these two abbreviations have been intermingling for several years when talking about creating digital products, although they are fundamentally different from each other. Sometimes they accompany the entire design process, and sometimes they are just part of it.

custom-made application
20 September 2018

How is a custom-made application created and how much does it cost?

More and more companies do not want ready-made IT solutions - instead they choose dedicated solutions tailored to their business. It often happens that even companies working within one industry have completely different business processes. For this reason, enterprises are looking for an individualized, optimal development path.

CRM, custom-made application, ERP, IT Services
4 September 2018

Why is it worth testing the software?

Software testing is an important stage in the creation of any dedicated system or application. Thanks to the work done, testers are able to predict and prevent many problems, supporting correct operation and ensuring high quality of the solution created. They also help you save the additional costs associated with it.